Stress, pressure, anxiety, a lack of self-love — all difficult emotions experienced by high-performance athletes and coaches. Difficult emotions that athletes (and you the reader) feel, but most struggle to discuss and understand. 

In dealing with these difficult emotions’ athletes seek balance in life, yet achieving that balance is difficult. Mix in difficult relationships and too much drinking and there’s only one option -- bottoming out.

In One Last Drop, Ryan Stock takes readers on his 30-day journey towards a more balanced life, and in turn, a sober life. In daily heart-felt letters to his four-year old son, Stock finds the comfort, acceptance, and emotional growth missing from his life. With a blend of mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and self-love he finally finds peace. The raw, vulnerable, and sometimes painful stories that took him down that road will connect with any athlete, coach, or parent looking to develop mental toughness while still being mindful and connected to their emotional self.

Through the author’s journey the reader will learn:

  • Coping skills for quieting the mind, practicing self-love, and dealing with the stressors of anxiety and stress, and failure.

  • How to use mindful techniques to increase performance physically, mentally and emotionally.

  • The importance of mental and emotional health both on and off the court, or field.

  • How to transition from athlete or coach to a life without sports, and the releasing of the ego involved in that journey.

Excerpts from One Last Drop


This Naked Mind Podcast with Annie Grace

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


One Last Drop — Trailer

The Award Winning Documentary